500 Firepaper provides a live wallpaper and a daydream showing you the latest images from /r/EarthPorn throughout the day.
You never need to look at that boring old wallpaper again, or search for hours for a nice new one. This app will show you quality photographs from all over the world - different ones each day!
NOTICE: This app switched from using the 500px API to showing images from Reddit's /r/EarthPorn sub, as 500px is shutting down their API. Please read the statement on my G+ page - https://plus.google.com/+Chainfire/posts/W52tb4kp8zN
Configurable options include the refresh interval, brightness of the images, oversaturation, and blurring.
Please note that high resolution imagery and animation takes quite a bit of memory, so obviously this app is aimed at high-end devices.
If you are a Muzei user, 500 Firepaper also presents itself as an art source to Muzei.
I've already made all the features available to you for free. Supporting my developments is optional, but certainly appreciated.
Not allowed per API terms.
On some devices (like the HTC One) you need to put down your fingers one-by-one.
High-resolution imagery takes a lot of memory in uncompressed form, and multiple buffers are required. But fear not, should your device need the memory while the wallpaper/daydream is not visible, the memory occupied by the app will automagically be released and repurposed.
No, they cannot.
No, but thanks for asking.
This application uses the Reddit(tm) API and is not endorsed or certified by Reddit or Reddit Inc. All images (c) their respective owners.
No personal or private information about you or your device is collected or transmitted by this app.
500 Firepaper menyediakan wallpaper hidup dan lamunan menunjukkan Anda gambar terbaru dari / r / EarthPorn sepanjang hari.
Anda tidak perlu melihat bahwa wallpaper yang membosankan lagi, atau mencari jam untuk yang baru bagus. Aplikasi ini akan menunjukkan foto-foto berkualitas dari seluruh dunia - yang berbeda setiap hari!
PEMBERITAHUAN: Aplikasi ini beralih dari menggunakan 500px API untuk menampilkan gambar dari / r / EarthPorn sub Reddit, seperti 500px mematikan API mereka. Silakan baca pernyataan pada halaman + G saya - https://plus.google.com/+Chainfire/posts/W52tb4kp8zN
pilihan konfigurasi termasuk interval refresh, kecerahan gambar, oversaturation, dan kabur.
Harap dicatat bahwa citra resolusi tinggi dan animasi membutuhkan sedikit memori, jadi jelas aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk perangkat high-end.
Jika Anda adalah pengguna Muzei, 500 Firepaper juga menyajikan dirinya sebagai sumber seni untuk Muzei.